Supervision and counselling for staff in educational settings.

Investing in your staff and their well-being has never been more vital.


My experience

Previous to my current therapy career, I was a primary and early years teacher and leader for 16 years. In this time, I have worked in a variety of settings both in the UK and abroad. Including, Children Centres, Nurseries, Specialist Provision and Primary schools. I have worked both within the private, government funded systems and charity sectors. I have worked in OFSTED awarded ‘Outstanding’ schools and schools graded ‘needs improvement’.

I have worked with inspirational leaders and leaders who have struggled to lead. As a teacher and a leader myself, I worked within teams of cohesion and teams of separation.

I know the joys , demands and complexities of working in education.

I understand the profession; the challenges; the frustrations; the exhaustion and what I believe to be an absolute joy and privilege; to witness and guide children, young people and their families through the most informative and precious years of their lives.

I understand and have worked first hand with complex early developmental trauma both as a teacher, a leader and now as a therapist.

Diversity, inclusion and equality is top of the agenda, yet the conversations are uncomfortable, often painful and working through this brings up feelings. I have worked in diverse communities and I know how challenging it is to create real inclusion.

“Transformational culture work is always relational. It’s not transactional. Real diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging work is not about a check list. It’s about relationships”.

-Aiko Bethea 2021


How I work in educational settings

I offer a range of packages and frequencies to suit the needs of the settings. Including:

  • Individual supervision for teachers and leaders.

  • Group supervision for leaders/phase teams/year groups/inclusion teams.

  • Individual counselling as needed.

  • Supervision for conflict resolution.

The sessions are a confidential and a safe place for staff to share what needs to be worked through or supported.

Monthly or termly is recommended and can be more or less frequent depending on the settings needs at the time and this may change. For example, when a school is adjusting a significant change like a new headship or leadership reorganisation or an increase in new staff arriving and leaving.

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”

— Aristotle